Say you’ve been working with SilverFast for the last weeks obtaining great results. As in all computer applications, suddenly SilverFast starts to work erratically.
The causes for this behavior can be many and different (depending on your scanner, operating system, SilverFast version and type of material being scanned among others).
The SilverFast Ai Studio 8 scan utility is pricey and has a steep learning curve, but it's an excellent tool for anyone who wants to get the best possible. SilverFast (Nikon) for Mac Download. Now optionally available for SilverFast Ai Studio 8 and the SilverFast Archive Suite 8: The new Printer Calibration. SilverFast Epson Scanner. SilverFast is available for Mac and Windows and is usable as a stand-alone software, as well as a Photoshop plug-in. As part of the Archive Suite and our lossless RAW data concept, SilverFast saves your slides, filmstrips, Kodachrome pictures and fotos, with all data that can be captured, as RAW data image files. Hi, We have Nikon CoolScann9000ED and our computer has Mac OS X Yoseminte operating system. We want to buy SilverFast Aİ Studio8. We wonder whether is suitable for us or not? We need your help, Kind regards Canan. Download the latest version of SilverFast HDR Studio for Mac - 48-bit camera and scanner data processing. Read 2 user reviews of SilverFast HDR Studio on MacUpdate.
Fortunately SilverFast has a special tool which can be used to solve most problems.
The “Service Dialogue”
It can be opened within SilverFast Launcher by hovering the mouse over the starting button (without clicking it) and then pressing the button with the tools that appears next to the main starting button.
The previous picture shows the SilverFast Launcher and the start button in its normal state.
SilverFast Launcher, start button with rollover, see the small 'service dialogue' button.
The previous picture shows the “service dialogue” button appears after rolling the mouse over the normal start button. If you do not have this button, you might have an older version of SilverFast, if your SilverFast version is 6.5 or newer you can update for free to the latest version, if you have a previous version you will not be able to update for free, in that case you will have to delete preferences manually, this procedure will be explained further down at “Manually deleting the preferences folder”.

After pressing the button, the service dialogue appears with three options:
Service dialogue, note the three options you have available
–Copy support info to desktop, will copy some files to your desktop, those files are required by our support team should you contact them over our support assistant.
–Reset Serial Number will delete the serial number of SilverFast, IMPORTANT, if you press this button, your serial number will be deleted and you will have to re-activate the product (most likely having the original installation CD inserted into the computer drive).
–Delete Preference files, this is the most relevant button in this case, pressing it will set the preferences back to the factory settings.
Manually deleting the Preferences folder
If for any reason the service dialogue does not work or you have an older version of SilverFast without this option, there is still a possibility of manually finding and deleting the folder containing the preferences to set SilverFast back to the factory settings. For this operation SilverFast and SilverFast Launcher must be closed.
WARNING: deleting the preferences folder willl set SilverFast back to the factory settings and you will loose all your settings and customizations as well as the NegaFix profiles created by you.
Silverfast 8 For Mac
In all cases you will delete the folder named “LaserSoft Imaging” will be deleted.
under Windows 2000/ XP the folder “LaserSoft Imaging” can be found at:
c:/documents and settings /Your user name/Application Data (this is a hidden folder, you will have to make it visible in the folder preferences on windows)
under Windows Vista and seven the folder “LaserSoft Imaging” is to be found at:
c:/users/Your user name/AppData (this is a hidden folder, make it vissible under folder preferences)/Roaming

Under Mac os X you will find the “LaserSoft Imaging” folder under:
Mac/Users/Your Name/Library/Preferences
After restarting SilverFast, it will generate the folder “LaserSoft Imaging” again in the same position with the standard settings.
If after deleting the preferences folder the problematic behavior continues to be, you should make sure SilverFast is up to date (you can download the latest version here)
After updating the software you should repeat the process of reseting SilverFast preferences.
Should the problem remain after updating and reseting the preferences please refer to our support assistant
Silverfast For Mac
Another possible source of information is our discussion forum