One thing I hate about US keyboards is that they don’t let me type my French special characters by any memorable strecth – what’s the dead key for the cedilla again? (ç)
One thing I hate about French keytboards is that they have all the punctuation keys messed up… which is particularily painful when trying to write code. < and > share a single key! [ and ] require THREE fingers! (you’d better give un on using arrays!! :p)
Installing Mac format Key layouts Procedure for Mavericks, Yosemite or possibly later versions of Mac OS X. On any of the keyboard download pages on this site, download the keyboard you want to use by finding “Mac Keyboard” in the download table. By clicking on this link, the Save File process will begin. The Gujarati and Hindi Phonetic Keyboard Layout for Mac OS X. Download the Phonetic keyboard layouts for Mac OS X here. I created the Gujarati and Hindi Phonetic keyboard layouts exactly as the ones in Windows. The instruction on how to install are found here: How to Install Gujarati Phonetic Keyboard on Mac OS X. While the layout is the same.
The only bearable solution in the long run is to remap the keys to an order that makes a little more sense.
I just found the perfect tool for create new keyboard layouts on the mac: Ukelele ! :)
Ukele easily lets you reassign characters to keys with any hot key combination and it also lets you create dead keys (multiple keypress sequences to create one character).

Now one question remains: which keyboard should I start with: a French AZERTY or a US QWERTY keyboard? (All mac keyboard layouts here)

By the way: if you’re looking for a keymap editor for Windows, here’s one from Microsoft.

Keyboard Layout For Mac Os X 10.10
I'am trying to get the current keyboard layout in a Mac OS X 10.4 app. I need to detect when the current layout has changed (the user clicked the flag button).
I have followed the code from x/tkMacOSXKeyEvent.c which seems ok for me and works perfectly in 10.5 & 10.6, but in 10.4, it only gets the system language and no change is detected.
What's the matter with 10.4?
Thank you in advance!
iBook, Mac OS X (10.4)
Macbook Keyboard Layout
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